Core Identity Exercise to Rediscover Your Authentic Self

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Insight Timer is the top free meditation app on iOS and Android.

Who are you, truly? Beneath the surface of societal roles, expectations, and labels, there exists a deeper, more profound sense of self—and we often lose touch with this core identity. By practicing a simple and powerful meditation, you can reconnect with the essence of who you are.

Discover how a guided core identity exercise by Charles Freligh, PhD can help you release societal labels and reconnect with your authentic self. Join Charles, an experienced meditation guide on Insight Timer, as he leads you through a practice of self-reflection and self-discovery, helping you peel back layers of external identities to find the true you.

Inspiration behind the core identity meditation

Charles Freligh’s journey into meditation was driven by a deep curiosity about life and the desire to explore its true nature. In his own words, meditation has been the most “direct and honest line of investigation” into this inquiry. His inspiration for creating the core identity exercise stems from his experiences as both a meditator and therapist. He shares:

“When I look directly at who I am, I don’t find anyone, because I’m the one looking. And then, I am free, at the very center, to be no one – a no one who finds himself playing many roles in life, one being ‘therapist.’”

The inspiration for this meditation also came from Dr. Irvin Yalom, a major influence on Charles’ therapeutic style. By guiding individuals to let go of their identities temporarily, Charles believes people can experience freedom and find a grounded sense of self. He says:

“This practice offers the chance to let go of all identities, to not be anything for a moment, and instead just be.” 

Through this process, participants can reintegrate their identities in a way that fosters personal growth and a healthier relationship with their sense of self.

A 12-minute core identity meditation to rediscover your authentic self

In just 12 minutes, Charles Freligh’s core identity exercise guides you through a meditation to help you release external identities and reconnect with the deeper parts of yourself. By focusing on your core values, this meditation fosters inner peace, clarity, and connection to your authentic self.

For more self-discovery meditations, explore Insight Timer’slargest library of free guided meditations.

Core identity meditation script: A step-by-step guide

Step 1: Prepare for your journey

Before starting the exercise, take a moment to prepare your space. Find a quiet spot where you won’t be disturbed. Sit comfortably, either on a chair or cushion, with your spine straight. You may want to have a notepad and pen ready to reflect on your insights during the meditation. If you prefer not to write, that’s okay too.

When you’re ready, take a few deep breaths, ground yourself, and set an intention for this practice. What do you hope to uncover or release? Let that intention guide you through the meditation.

Step 2: Reflect on your core identities

In this part of the meditation, Charles invites you to reflect on the four core identities that define who you are. These identities can be anything—your roles as a parent, friend, or professional, your hobbies, or even deeper aspects of your personality. What makes you feel like “you”?

Take two minutes to sit in stillness and let these four identities come to mind. You may choose to write them down if you have a notepad or simply hold them in your thoughts. The key is to focus on what feels most authentic and meaningful to you.

During this reflection, ask yourself:

  • What roles or labels do I feel deeply connected to?
  • How do these identities shape my actions and emotions?
  • Are there any that feel particularly dominant in my life?

Step 3: Letting go of your identities

Once you have identified your four core identities, Charles guides you through an exercise of gradually releasing each one. The purpose of this step is to imagine what life would be like if you were no longer defined by these labels, even for just a few minutes.

Starting with the identity that feels the least core to who you are—gently let it go when you hear the sound of the bell. Visualize this identity falling away like a leaf in the wind. Feel the lightness that comes from releasing that label.

As the meditation continues, repeat this process with each of your remaining identities. By the final bell, you will have let go of all four identities, leaving you in a state of pure being – free from external definitions.

Allow yourself to sit in this space of nothingness, feeling the weight of societal expectations lift from your shoulders. Notice what it feels like to simply exist, without labels or roles.

Step 4: Reintegrating your identities

After experiencing the liberation of letting go, Charles gently guides you through the process of reintegrating your core identities. Starting with your most essential identity, reintegrate them one by one, feeling gratitude for each part of yourself.

As you reintegrate, reflect on how these identities serve you:

  • How does this identity contribute to your life and your happiness?
  • Can you embody this role with a sense of gratitude rather than attachment?

With each bell, welcome back another part of yourself until you are once again a whole, complete person, full of the rich and diverse roles that make you who you are.

This guided meditation script was adapted from Charles Freligh’s core identity exercise, which you can find on Insight Timer.

Tips for beginners from Charles Freligh

For those new to this meditation, Charles encourages starting with an open mind. He acknowledges that letting go of core identities can be challenging, especially for those whose identities have provided protection in difficult times. He advises:

“Some identities might be quite difficult to let go of because they have served to protect the individual in environments that have been unsafe for them. So, I’d like to offer permission to not let go of an identity if it doesn’t feel safe to do so.”

If you’re hesitant about releasing certain aspects of yourself, Charles suggests thinking of your identity as a “spacesuit” that helps you navigate certain environments. You can experiment with taking it off if you no longer need it, but you also have the option to keep it on when necessary.

He further encourages embracing uncertainty and complexity, especially for those who may feel they don’t fit into a single identity. 

Take a moment to reflect

Now that you’ve completed the meditation, take a few minutes to reflect on your experience. Journaling can be a powerful way to deepen your insights. Here are a few reflection questions to consider:

  1. How did it feel to let go of your identities? Were any particularly challenging to release?
  2. What emotions surfaced when you were in a state of pure being, free from labels?
  3. How has this exercise shifted your perspective on the roles you play in life?
  4. Can you carry the feeling of lightness and freedom into your everyday interactions with these identities?

By reflecting on these questions, you can solidify the insights gained from this meditation and continue your journey of self-discovery and personal growth.

Why Charles Freligh loves meditating with Insight Timer

As a meditation guide, Charles Freligh is passionate about the connection and healing that meditation offers. He reflects on the importance of genuine presence in his work, both as a therapist and a meditation teacher:

“In my work with clients, it’s important for me to acknowledge the roles and identities I find myself playing and to bring these to light in the relationship rather than try to hide them. I believe this creates an atmosphere of realness, which might just be the main ingredient for healing.”

For Charles, Insight Timer is an ideal platform because it encourages this sense of authenticity and healing through its varied meditation resources.

Build self-awareness with Insight Timer’s meditation app

If you’re looking to explore the intersection of identity and self-awareness more, Insight Timer offers a wealth of resources. Meditation can be a powerful tool to explore your inner landscape and reconnect with your authentic self. Explore the largest library of free guided meditations here to discover more practices that resonate with you.

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