Deep Sleep Meditation: Find Rest and Rejuvenation

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Insight Timer is the top free meditation app on iOS and Android.

Do you struggle to find restful sleep amidst the noise and stress of everyday life? Sleep is essential for our physical and emotional well-being, yet many of us find it elusive. This blog post will introduce you to a deep sleep meditation by Andrew Johnson, designed to help you relax and rejuvenate your mind and body. Imagine drifting into a deep, restorative sleep that leaves you feeling refreshed and revitalized.

Join Andrew Johnson, a renowned meditation guide on Insight Timer, as he leads us through a soothing journey of deep sleep meditation, helping you to achieve a peaceful night’s rest.

Inspiration behind Johnson’s deep sleep meditation

Andrew Johnson’s journey into meditation began in 1976, sparked by a simple class that led him to study positivity, relaxation, meditation, and mindfulness. His career path eventually led him to become a therapist in the mid-90s, where he found himself teaching classes and receiving requests for recordings. This demand grew, leading him to platforms like Insight Timer. Johnson explains, “I knew that Insight Timer could spread the message of mindfulness much more widely than I could myself, so it was an easy decision to become a teacher.”

Reflecting on the creation of this deep sleep meditation, Johnson shares from an interview, 

“As a therapist, you quickly begin to realize how important a good night’s sleep is and how many people have issues with insomnia or just unhealthy sleep patterns.”

This understanding drove him to create a meditation specifically designed to aid sleep, a track that has become one of his most requested.

A 31-minute deep sleep meditation to ease into restful slumber

Enjoy a 31-minute guided meditation practice focused on deep relaxation, so you can experience the benefits of a restful night’s sleep.

For more guided meditations to help you rest, explore our largest library of free guided meditations for sleep.

Deep sleep guided meditation script

A step-by-step guide through Andrew Johnson’s guided meditation practice:

Step 1: Prepare for sleep

Before going to bed, ensure that everything you need to do is done. This allows you to focus fully on the meditation. Settle into a comfortable position, lying down in bed. Take a deep breath in through your nose, and slowly exhale through your mouth. Begin to notice the flow of your breathing, and gently slow it down.

Step 2: Release tension

With each exhale, consciously release any tension from your body. Start from your forehead, allowing the muscles to become loose and relaxed. Feel your entire body sinking deeper into the bed, becoming more comfortable and supported.

Step 3: Relax facial muscles

Focus on the small muscles around your eyes and behind them, letting them relax. Move down to your cheeks, tongue, and jaw, loosening these areas. Give your jaw a little wiggle, letting it relax completely.

Step 4: Soothe the neck and shoulders

Shift your awareness to your neck and shoulders, softening these muscles. Let go of any tightness, feeling a sense of release as you relax deeper into the bed.

Step 5: Relax arms and hands

Move your attention down your arms, into your hands, and fingers. Allow these areas to feel heavy and relaxed, as if they are sinking into the mattress.

Step 6: Relax the torso

Focus on your chest and stomach, gently releasing any tension. Notice how your breathing becomes even more relaxed, each breath calming your body and mind.

Step 7: Relax the lower body

Allow the relaxation to flow down through your thighs, calves, and ankles, reaching your feet and toes. Feel your entire body become heavy and relaxed, as you continue to drift into a deeper state of relaxation.

Step 8: Drift into sleep

As your body relaxes, your mind also begins to quiet. Let go of any thoughts, allowing them to drift away like clouds in the sky. Trust your unconscious mind to process important thoughts in the background, while you drift into a safe and natural sleep.

Step 9: Reinforce positive suggestions

As you continue to relax, Andrew’s soothing voice guides you deeper into sleep. 

“In bed, all your attention is on relaxation. And so much easier now. So much easier now to relax every muscle in your body. Without trying. Without thinking. Without effort.” 

Become more relaxed with every word, more at ease, and ready for a deep, restful sleep. This deep relaxation allows your body and mind to rejuvenate, leaving you feeling refreshed and revitalized upon waking. Johnson explains, “In order to fully drift down into sleep, you need to relax the body and the mind. Body-focused relaxation distracts the mind from wandering by giving it a task of moving through the body, from muscle to muscle. Relax the mind and the body will follow, relax the body and the mind will follow. Do both at the same time with gentle repetition and sleep can very often quickly follow.” 

Johnson highlights the importance of the body-focused relaxation technique used in this meditation.

Regular practice of this meditation offers numerous benefits, as Johnson notes, 

“[Regularly practicing deep sleep meditation gives a] better and deeper night’s sleep and also a better sleeping habit. There are no calories, no chemicals, no addictive properties, only the body releasing tension and relearning how to drift down into natural sleep. This gives more energy, better concentration, more relaxation during the day and is all positive in nature.”

This guided meditation script was adapted from Andrew Johnson’s deep sleep meditation, which you can find here.

Take a moment to reflect

Reflecting on your meditation experience can deepen its benefits. Consider keeping a journal to note your thoughts, feelings, and any changes you observe in your sleep patterns.

Here are four reflective questions to consider:

  1. How did I feel before, during, and after the meditation?
  2. What physical sensations did I notice as I relaxed?
  3. Did my thoughts become quieter or more focused during the practice?
  4. How did this meditation affect my overall sleep quality?

Develop a regular practice of sleep meditation with more guided resources: 

Go deep in better sleep with our helpful guide to healthy sleep habits.

Tips for beginners from Andrew Johnson

For those new to meditation, Johnson suggests:

  • Practice consistency and patience
  • Start with shorter sessions and gradually increase the duration as you become more comfortable. 
  • Create a relaxing environment and eliminate potential distractions, allowing yourself to fully engage in the practice.

Why Andrew Johnson loves meditating with Insight Timer

Andrew Johnson praises the diverse offerings on Insight Timer, noting, 

“The range of meditations are wonderful. There is always something new to discover. I am always learning from other teachers and I love that people who may not be in the best financial position are able to access a huge range of tracks. It can be life-changing for so many people.” 

Insight Timer’s platform allows individuals from all walks of life to access meditation and mindfulness resources, making it a valuable tool for personal growth and well-being.

Enhance your sleep and well-being with Insight Timer’s free meditation app

Exploring different meditation practices can help you find the best methods for your needs. With Insight Timer’s free meditation app, you have access to thousands of guided meditations, including meditation music and other resources designed to support your journey to better sleep and overall well-being. Whether you’re new to meditation or an experienced practitioner, there’s a wealth of content to help you on your path to peace and balance.

Meditation. Free.