Guided Past Life Regression: Explore Your Soul’s Journey

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Insight Timer is the top free meditation app on iOS and Android.

Have you ever wondered about the mysteries of your past lives? Imagine being able to tap into memories from another lifetime, gaining insights into your soul’s journey that could help you heal, grow, and understand your current life better. In this blog post, you’ll discover how a guided past life regression can open the door to your subconscious, allowing you to explore past experiences that influence your present.

Join Dexter and Alessandrina, renowned meditation guides on Insight Timer, as they lead you through a deeply relaxing and insightful journey of guided past life regression, helping you unlock memories, heal old wounds, and embrace your soul’s wisdom.

Inspiration behind the guided past life regression meditation

Dexter and Alessandrina have a deep connection to past life regression. In 2018, they trained and got certified in this practice by Dr. Brian Weiss, a pioneer in the field. Since then, they’ve facilitated hundreds of past life regressions, helping people experience profound healing and life-changing shifts in consciousness. Inspired by the success of their sessions, they decided to record this meditation to make the practice more widely available. Their goal is to help more people experience the benefits that past life regression can bring.

A 47-minute guided past life regression to unlock your soul’s wisdom

This 47-minute guided meditation practice focuses on progressive relaxation and inner exploration, so you can access memories from your past lives and spiritual experiences. Whether you’re a beginner or have experience with past life regression, this session will guide you safely and gently into the depths of your subconscious.

Explore Insight Timer’s largest library of free guided meditations for more healing and relaxing practices. 

Guided past life regression meditation script:

Step 1: Prepare your environment

Begin by finding a comfortable position, preferably sitting in a room with dim lighting where you won’t be disturbed. Ensure your clothing is comfortable and that you feel completely at ease. Comfort is key to deep relaxation.

Step 2: Close your eyes and relax

Once you’re comfortable, gently close your eyes. If you find it difficult to keep your eyes closed, allow them to remain open, but it’s preferable to keep them closed to enhance your focus. As you close your eyes, remind yourself that this process is safe and that you are always in control.

Step 3: Focus on your breathing

Begin to focus on your breath. Inhale deeply, drawing in the peaceful energy around you, and exhale slowly, releasing any tension, stress, or discomfort. With each breath, you’ll notice your body becoming more relaxed, your mind quieter, and your awareness deepening.

Step 4: Progressive muscle relaxation

Now, move through your body, relaxing each muscle group from the top of your head to your toes. Start by softening your forehead, temples, and eyes. Let your jaw relax, releasing any tension. Continue this relaxation down your neck and all the way to your feet. Feel the tension melt away, leaving your body light and relaxed.

Dexter and Alessandrina emphasize:

“By becoming more present and aware, the listeners can begin to open up to their intuition and to more subtle energies and aspects of their internal experience allowing for deeper insights and healing to occur naturally.”

Step 5: Visualize healing light

Visualize a beautiful, healing light at the top of your head. This light can be pure white or any color that feels right to you. Imagine this light slowly descending through your body, healing and restoring each cell, muscle, and organ to perfect health. As the light flows, it also deepens your relaxation, connecting you with your spiritual self.

Dexter and Alessandrina share:

“As we reconnect to the healing light within us and all around us, we reconnect to our true essence, and we continue to unwind undue stress and tension and relax more deeply.”

Step 6: Create your sacred space

In your mind’s eye, imagine a beautiful garden—your sacred space. This garden is filled with vibrant flowers, lush trees, and soothing scents. It’s a place where you feel completely safe and at peace. Find a comfortable spot in this garden where you can rest as you prepare to journey into your past.

The beautiful garden is another powerful visualization tool in this meditation. For Dexter and Alessandrina, this garden is a metaphorical space that reconnects you to nature and offers a sense of safety, nourishment, and rest. It represents a nurturing environment similar to the womb, where you feel safe to unwind and explore deeper aspects of your being beyond the conscious mind.

Step 7: Recall a childhood memory

Begin by traveling back to a significant childhood memory. Let this memory come to you naturally, whether it’s happy, light, or meaningful. As the memory surfaces, immerse yourself in it. Notice the details: Are you indoors or outdoors? Who is with you? Allow yourself to fully experience this moment, without analysis or judgment.

Step 8: Experience a prenatal memory

Next, journey even further back to a memory from the time before your birth. This prenatal experience may be more about sensations or emotions than clear images. You might connect with your mother’s emotions or gain insights into why you chose this lifetime. Whatever you experience, allow it to unfold naturally.

Step 9: Explore a past life

Now, imagine a door in your garden. This is the door to your past lives. As you open it, step into the light and find yourself in a different time and place. Look down at your feet—are you barefoot, or are you wearing shoes? What do your hands look like? Explore your surroundings and observe the details. Who are you in this lifetime? What is the landscape like? Are there people you recognize from your current life? Allow these impressions to guide you.

Step 10: Move to a significant event

As you continue to explore this past life, let yourself move to a significant event. This could be a moment of importance that holds a lesson or insight for you. What are you doing? Who is with you? Why is this event important? Let the answers come to you as you observe and experience this moment.

Step 11: Experience the end of that lifetime

Gently, without pain or discomfort, move to the end of this lifetime. As you leave the body, float above it, feeling light and free. Reflect on this life—what were the key lessons? How can they help you in your current life? Allow yourself to absorb these insights.

Dexter and Alessandrina have seen countless individuals experience profound transformations through past life regression. From understanding the origins of relationship dynamics to uncovering the root causes of illnesses and phobias, these insights allow people to release judgment and fear, leading to deeper healing. One notable example includes people discovering the source of their illness in a prior lifetime, unlocking the key to healing that can lead to spontaneous remission or deeper emotional and physical recovery.

Step 12: Connect with spiritual beings

In this spiritual realm, imagine being surrounded by spiritual beings—guides, angels, or enlightened masters. These beings offer you wisdom and guidance. Ask them any questions you may have about your life, your challenges, or your spiritual path. Receive their messages with an open heart.

Step 13: Return to the present

Finally, return to your body, resting in the healing light of your garden. As I count from 1 to 10, slowly come back to the present, bringing with you all the insights and healing you’ve gained. Feel grounded, restored, and rejuvenated as you gently open your eyes.

This guided meditation script was adapted from Dexter and Alessandrina’s guided past life regression, which you can find on Insight Timer.

Tips for beginners from Dexter and Alessandrina

For those new to past life regression, Dexter and Alessandrina advise approaching the process with playful curiosity and exploration. It’s essential to be open and trust that whatever is supposed to surface will do so naturally. They encourage you to be gentle with yourself, allowing the process to unfold with ease and flow, and to continue trying even if you don’t have a profound experience the first time.

Take a moment to reflect

Take some time to reflect on your meditation experience. Journaling can help you access deeper insights and track your progress over time. Here are some questions to consider: 

  1. What memories or sensations stood out to you during the regression?
  2. Did you gain any insights or understanding about your current life?
  3. How did the spiritual beings’ guidance resonate with you?
  4. How do you feel now compared to before the meditation?

Why Dexter and Alessandrina love meditating with Insight Timer

Dexter and Alessandrina love the ease and accessibility that Insight Timer offers to both teachers and users. They share: 

“We love the ease with which tracks and courses can be uploaded and it allows us as mindfulness and meditation teachers to connect with people who are truly interested in personal growth, healing, and being the best version of themselves, as well as to connect authentically with themselves and others.”

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If you found this guided past life regression meditation beneficial, explore more healing sessions on Insight Timer’s free meditation app. With the largest library of free guided meditations and a variety of meditation music, you can continue to deepen your practice and explore new aspects of your spiritual journey. 

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