Mindfulness Meditation: Relieving Stress and Worry

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Insight Timer is the top free meditation app on iOS and Android.

Do you often find yourself overwhelmed with stress and worry, unable to break free from the constant cycle of anxious thoughts? In our modern world, it’s easy to get caught up in the endless demands and pressures, leaving us feeling like there’s just too much to handle. 

But what if there was a way to step out of this cycle and find a sense of peace and clarity?

In this blog post, you’ll discover how mindfulness meditation helps you cultivate calmness and present-moment awareness, allowing you to navigate life’s challenges with more ease and grace.

Join Hugh Byrne, as he leads you through a serene journey of mindfulness meditation, helping you reduce stress and worry.

A 29-minute mindfulness meditation to relieve stress and worry

Journey through a 29-minute guided meditation designed to help you calm your mind and body, bringing you back to the present moment. This meditation will enable you to step out of anxiety and cultivate skills for working kindly with the thoughts that arise.

Or if you would like to meditate without a guide, find the soundscape that helps you enter into a state of mindfulness in our diverse collection of meditation music.

Guided mindfulness meditation script

Below is a step-by-step guide through Hugh Byrne’s guided meditation.

Step 1: Find a comfortable position

Begin by finding a comfortable and relaxed posture. Let your back be straight, your shoulders relaxed, and your hands rest comfortably in your lap, on your knees, or thighs. Let your feet rest on the floor, establishing a strong connection with the ground. Feel the weight of your body on your buttocks, thighs, and feet, and notice the contact of your hands with your knees or thighs.

Step 2: Deep breathing to calm the mind and body

Take a few deep breaths, filling your lungs and chest. Imagine you are breathing out any stresses or worries of the day. As you breathe in deeply, invite in a quality of calm. Silently say the word “calm” to yourself as you inhale and exhale. Breathing in, calming the body. Breathing out, calming the mind. Repeat this for a few breaths, allowing yourself to settle into being present.

Step 3: Let the breath settle

When you are ready, let your breath return to its natural rhythm. Just let it be as it is. The deeper breaths send a message to the brain and nervous system that you can relax and be at ease. Anytime during the meditation, if you feel tense or tight, come back to taking one or two deeper breaths to help you relax and calm your body and mind.

Step 4: Drop into the body

Bring your attention out of your thoughts and let your open awareness descend from your head into your body. Scan your body from your face, eyes, facial muscles, jaw, chin, mouth, and tongue, inviting relaxation in these areas. Continue to the back of the neck and shoulders, relaxing any tension you find.

Step 5: Relax the torso and limbs

Invite relaxation in your torso, belly, and chest. Relax the muscles of the belly and let the breath come into your abdomen. Bring awareness to your shoulders, arms, and hands, feeling sensations such as tingling, pulsing, vibrating, hardness, or warmth. Notice these sensations without judgment.

Step 6: Relax the lower body

Move your attention to the lower body, from the buttocks to the thighs, knees, calves, shins, ankles, feet, and toes. Invite relaxation in any area where you might be tightening or tensing up. Feel the sensations in your feet from the inside out.

Step 7: Bring awareness to the whole body

Bring a relaxed awareness to your whole experience, meeting whatever is present with kindness and acceptance. Bringing awareness into the body invites relaxation of the brain, helping you untangle from your thoughts and come back to your direct experience.

Step 8: Smile

Bring a smile to your face, activating the muscles at the corners of your eyes and mouth. Think of a loved one, dear friend, child, or pet to help you relax and smile. A smile supports mindfulness and sends a message to your nervous system that you can be at ease.

Step 9: Cultivate present-moment awareness

Use your breath as a touchstone or anchor for your attention. Let your awareness come to the sensations of breathing in and out, without controlling the breath. If your mind wanders, gently and kindly bring your attention back to the breath. Each time you do this, you are training your mind to come out of habitual thoughts and anxiety.

Step 10: Meet your experience with kindness

If you encounter persistent thoughts or emotions, bring your awareness to your body. Feel where the energy of worry or stress is held in your body and breathe into those sensations. Allow them to come and go, meeting them with kindness and calmness.

Step 11: Untangle from the story

Notice if you get pulled into problem-solving or thinking about the past or future. Simply acknowledge this thinking and invite your attention back to the body and breath. Realize that even in difficult circumstances, you can be with your feelings, emotions, and thoughts without being governed by them.

Step 12: Find peace in the present moment

Welcome your experience without judgment. Bring a welcoming attitude to whatever is present for you right now. Let go of any thoughts that this moment should be different. Find a sense of peace right here, right now, in this moment just as it is. 

This guided meditation script was adapted from Hugh Byrne’s Mindfulness Meditation for Stress and Worry, which you can find here.

Take a moment to reflect

After the meditation, take a few moments to reflect on your experience. Journaling can deepen your meditation practice by providing a space for self-expression and insight. Consider these questions:

  1. How did you feel before and after the meditation?
  2. What thoughts or feelings did you notice recurring during the practice?
  3. Did you notice any changes in your body’s sensations?
  4. What steps can you take to bring a sense of calm and clarity into your everyday life?

For more guided mindfulness meditations, visit our largest library of free guided meditations.

Cultivate calm and clarity with Insight Timer’s free meditation app

Find peace and balance in your life with the Insight Timer free meditation app. With access to a wide range of guided meditations, meditation music, and more, you can deepen your practice and enhance your well-being.

Need to calm your anxiety quickly? Follow this 2-minute guided meditation for overcoming overthinking by davidji.

Meditation. Free.