Morning Meditation: Begin Your Day With Awareness and Hope

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Insight Timer is the top free meditation app on iOS and Android.

Starting your day with a meditation can have many positive benefits, like increased concentration, better mood, and higher resilience to life’s stressors. This guided morning meditation is designed to enhance mindfulness and attentiveness to set a positive tone for the day, filling you with awareness and clarity

As someone who has experienced the profound benefits of meditation, Fleur Chambers shares her expertise in this mindful guided meditation. Join Fleur as she leads you through a tranquil journey, helping you embrace the day with openness and joy.

Inspiration behind morning meditation

Fleur Chambers has created over 100 meditations for Insight Timer over the years. She shared in an interview that she vividly remembers writing this particular guided meditation during a period when her children were small, and she began waking up earlier to enjoy some quiet time before the house became busy. 

She shares, “This simple act of taking time for myself before the house became busy created a powerful ripple into my days — greater freedom, creativity and possibility. I wanted to create a meditation that allowed people to break from routine and burden and instead, to feel into the sense of possibility that each new day holds.

“My hope is that people will end this meditation feeling excited about the possibility of this new day. From this place, I hope they will be able to respond to challenges in new ways, to problem solve creatively, to feel more light, free, grateful and present to both the mystery and the routine that each day brings.”

A 15-minute morning meditation to cultivate hope and abundance

Experience this 15-minute guided meditation practice focused on awakening your senses and setting positive intentions so you can start your day with clarity and peace.

For more guided meditations and mindfulness practices, explore Insight Timer’s vast library of free guided meditations, with options for beginners and advanced meditators. 

Morning meditation guided script

Step 1:  Find a comfortable position

Take a moment to settle into a comfortable position. You may be seated or lying down — whatever feels right for you this morning. Cast your eyes around the space you are in. What can you see, hear, or observe that lets you know a new day has dawned?

Step 2: Absorb the morning qualities

Notice the morning qualities in your environment. Perhaps it’s dark and quiet, and you can sense the slumber of others. Maybe the morning sun is rising, casting shadows and shapes around you. Can you hear birds or the distant hum of traffic? Absorb these morning qualities fully.

Step 3: Close your eyes and smile

Gently close your eyes if you like. Can you offer yourself a gentle smile of appreciation for being here right now, for your desire to tap into the unbridled potential of today?

Step 4: Deep breathing

Take a few deep breaths now, in and out, allowing any stale air from the night to leave your body. Notice the air as it enters your nostrils and leaves your mouth. Observe the rise and fall of your chest and the soft expanse of your belly as the air flows in and out. Chambers explains,

“This meditation begins by inviting listeners to become aware of their physical environment and a feeling of safety. Beginning here helps to deepen the meditation practice.”

Step 5: Reflect on your purpose

Next, ask yourself warm-heartedly and with genuine interest, how are you? What brought you here this morning? Ensure that the tone of your response is kind, gentle, and supportive toward yourself.

Step 6: Come back to your breath

Return your attention to your breath. What part is capturing your curiosity? Can you lengthen your inhale slightly, imagining the air as filled with possibilities of this new day? Breathe these possibilities into your chest, your belly, your entire being.

Chambers adds, 

“During this practice we extend the inhale and allow this physical expansion to encourage an energetic expansion. Using the breath as a metaphor, we invite in a sense of creativity, curiosity, and possibility for this new day.”

Step 7: Set your intentions

Imagine the essence of these intentions for today moving down your throat, into your chest, tummy, hips, and pelvis. Feel these wishes traveling across your shoulders, down your arms, to your hands and fingers. Can you feel an aliveness permeate your entire body? A sense of possibility, choice, creativity, and freedom.

“We use the mind-body connection to help us embody a series of commitments, by breathing the words and intentions deep into our bodies and our hearts so that we can bring these feelings into our waking day.”

Step 8: Embrace new possibilities

Think of these as seeds that you may plant this morning that may bear fruit mid-morning, this afternoon, or tonight. Breathe into each of these possibilities as if your breath is watering these seeds and helping them grow.

Step 9: Set yourself up for a great day

Allow yourself to breathe into all the possibilities:

  • Offer kindness to yourself.
  • Understand a long-held belief you have had about yourself in a new way.
  • Let the tone of your thoughts be tender and supportive.
  • Feel a sense of openness and ease even while busy.
  • Be curious and creative in your responses.
  • Notice and enjoy new-found freedom.
  • Truly listen when communicating.
  • Engage your senses fully.
  • Be struck by the beauty of your natural surroundings.
  • Notice the constant movement of life and your place within it.
  • Be open to the serendipities, joys, and wonders of life.

Step 10: Commit to your intentions

From this place of expanded open awareness and hope, perhaps you may like to offer yourself a gentle commitment for today. Seal this commitment with three deep breaths in your own time. Slowly find some gentle movement through your fingers and toes. Offer your body any other movement it desires. Gently open your eyes. Move through your day with attention and intention, being aware and awake.

This guided meditation script was adapted from Fleur Chambers’ morning meditation, which you can find here.

Take a moment to reflect

After completing the meditation, take a few moments to consider your experience. Journaling helps solidify your insights and track your progress over time. Here are some reflective questions to consider:

  1. How did you feel before and after the meditation?
  2. What intentions did you set for yourself, and how did they influence your day?
  3. Were there any moments of realization or clarity during the meditation?
  4. How can you incorporate these insights into your daily life?

Ready to build a new morning routine? Find more morning meditations for every mood and life stage. 

Expert tips for morning meditation beginners

Meditate before doing anything else on your phone.

Chambers explains, “When we use our phone for meditation in the morning, it can be very tempting to check our emails and social media before we press play on a guided meditation. Our ego gently whispers, ‘You’ll be able to relax more if you check your emails first’. But in truth, filling your mind with thoughts of work or content from social media often means that it can take longer to drop into the meditation. So whilst tempting as it may be, my advice would be to meditate before doing anything else on your phone.”

It’s a misconception that a successful meditation practice requires constant focus. According to Chambers, “There is a commonly held misconception that in order to have a successful meditation practice, we need to be focused the whole time. Or conversely, that if our mind is busy and we start losing our focus, that this somehow renders our meditation practice a waste of time. This is not true. Just as our eyes are designed to see, our minds are designed to think. Meditation is not about stopping our thoughts, it’s about noticing when we have become distracted and coming back to the guided meditation with patience and kindness.”

Why Fleur Chambers loves meditating with Insight Timer

Chambers, a teacher with Insight Timer for over 7 years shares her experience. 

“I love meeting and connecting with people from all around the world. . .I love being reminded that no matter how different our lives may look on the outside, we are all connected by a desire to get to know ourselves more deeply and create meaning in and of our lives.”

Get inspired with Insight Timer’s free meditation app

Insight Timer offers thousands of guided meditations to include in your morning routine. Start your days filled with hope and intention, or end your nights feeling peaceful and relaxed. Download Insight Timer’s free meditation app to access:

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