Power Nap Meditation: Recharge and Rejuvenate in 30 Minutes

Insight Timer is the top free meditation app on iOS and Android.
Insight Timer is the top free meditation app on iOS and Android.

Did you know that a 30-minute power nap can help refresh your mind and body? In today’s fast-paced world, finding time for rest can be challenging—but a well-timed power nap offers the perfect solution for restoring your energy.

Join Andrew Johnson, an experienced meditation guide on Insight Timer, as he leads you through a soothing and restorative power nap. This meditation is designed to help you achieve deep relaxation, re-energize your body, and refresh your mind—whether you’re at home or on the go.

Inspiration behind the power nap meditation

Andrew Johnson’s journey into meditation began back in 1976, when he first experienced the profound benefits of mindfulness and relaxation. He shares: 

“One simple class led to me studying all things positivity, relaxation, meditation, and mindfulness.” 

His passion eventually led him to become a therapist in the mid 1990s, where he found himself teaching classes and creating recordings. His dedication to spreading mindfulness practices led him to become a teacher on Insight Timer, where he could reach a broader audience.

Andrew’s power nap meditation was crafted with a deep understanding of how powerful, short rest periods can rejuvenate the mind and body. His use of color visualization in the meditation is particularly noteworthy. Andrew explains:

“The use of colors in visualizations is very common and allows people to use a simple process to go deeper into the experience.” 

By visualizing energizing light filling different parts of the body, listeners can quickly recreate the effects in both guided and non-guided sessions, making the practice versatile and effective.

A 30-minute guided power nap meditation for deep relaxation

This 30-minute guided meditation practice can help you achieve a deep state of relaxation and rejuvenation, making it easier to recharge your energy and mind.

For more guided meditations that help with relaxation and energy renewal, explore our extensive library.

Power nap guided meditation script

This step-by-step guide will gently lead you through the power nap meditation, providing clear instructions to help you relax deeply.

Step 1: Prepare your space

Begin by finding a comfortable position where you can sit or lie down. The key is to ensure that you feel fully supported and at ease. Take a few moments to adjust your posture, allowing your body to settle into a comfortable state. Once you’re comfortable, close your eyes and take a slow, gentle breath in and out. Let your body begin to relax as you prepare for a deeply restorative experience.

Step 2: Relax your body, part by part

Andrew Johnson emphasizes the importance of progressive relaxation. He explains, “Learning progressive relaxation like this allows the body to build new, natural habits of muscles ‘switching off’.” Through gentle repetition, this technique becomes automatic, making it easier for you to relax deeply with practice.

Now, start by bringing awareness to your feet. Notice the weight of the muscles in your feet, and as you take another slow, gentle breath in, direct all of your awareness into your feet. As you exhale, allow the muscles in your feet to relax completely, feeling them become heavy, loose, and relaxed.

Next, move your awareness to your legs. Notice the weight of the muscles in your legs, and with a gentle breath in, focus on this area. As you exhale, let the muscles in your legs relax fully, becoming heavier and more relaxed with each breath.

Continue this process by bringing awareness to your stomach, chest, back, shoulders, arms, neck, and face one by one. 

Step 3: Deepen your relaxation

Take a moment to notice how deeply relaxed you have become. Allow yourself to fully enjoy this sensation of heaviness and relaxation. As you continue to breathe slowly and gently, become aware of your entire body and the sense of comfort and peace that surrounds you.

In a moment, Andrew Johnson will count down from ten to one. As he does, you will become twice as relaxed with each descending number. With each breath, allow yourself to sink deeper:

  • Ten: Take a gentle breath in and out, feeling more relaxed.
  • Nine: Breathe in and out, sinking deeper.
  • Eight: Continue to relax with each breath.
  • Seven: Allow yourself to go deeper.
  • Six: Feel the relaxation deepening.
  • Five: Relax even further.
  • Four: Breathe in and out, deeper still.
  • Three: Feel the heaviness and peace.
  • Two: Almost fully relaxed.
  • One: Completely relaxed, deeply at peace.

Step 4: Rejuvenate your body with vibrant energy

In this deeply relaxed state, your mind becomes more open and receptive to positive suggestions. Imagine a color that symbolizes positive energy to you. Think of the most vibrant shade of this color, filled with energizing light.

Begin by bringing your awareness back to your feet, and imagine them filling with this vibrant colored light. Feel the tingling energy moving into every cell and every atom of your feet. Imagine the muscles rebuilding, re-energizing, and filling with vibrant energy.

Continue this process as you move your awareness to your legs, stomach, chest, shoulders, arms, neck, and head.

Finally, imagine this vibrant colored light filling your entire body, from the tips of your toes to the top of your head and out to your fingertips. Each time you inhale, the light grows brighter, and you feel more energized, motivated, and refreshed.

Step 5: Prepare to wake up feeling refreshed

As Andrew counts up from one to ten, you will gradually become more awake and alert. At eight, gently open your eyes, and by ten, you will be fully awake, energized, and ready to continue your day:

  • One, two, three: Slowly begin to wake up.
  • Four, five, six: Becoming more aware and alert.
  • Seven, eight: Gently open your eyes.
  • Nine, ten: Fully awake, feeling refreshed and energized.

This guided meditation script was adapted from Andrew Johnson’s power nap meditation, which you can find here.

Tips for beginners from Andrew Johnson

Andrew Johnson understands the challenges that beginners might face when starting their meditation journey. One of the biggest challenges, he notes, is have accessible meditations that can meet them where they’re at. 

“Everyone breathes at different speeds. Many people aren’t visual when it comes to tapping into inner resources, so it is important to allow people access to all senses.” 

To address this, Andrew emphasizes the importance of keeping suggestions simple and gentle, particularly for those who are just beginning their practice. His guidance helps create a space where beginners can feel comfortable and supported as they explore the benefits of meditation.

Take a moment to reflect

After completing the meditation, take a few moments to reflect on your experience. Here are some reflective questions to deepen your practice:

  1. How did your body feel as you moved through the stages of relaxation?
  2. What sensations did you notice as you visualized the energizing light?
  3. How do you feel now compared to before the meditation?
  4. How can you incorporate power naps into your daily routine to maintain your energy levels?

Consider journaling your thoughts to solidify your insights and track your progress over time. Writing down your experiences can help you better understand your journey and maintain a regular meditation practice.

Why Andrew Johnson loves meditating with Insight Timer

When asked what he loves most about the Insight Timer app, Andrew Johnson points to the diversity and accessibility of the platform. 

“The range of meditations is wonderful. There is always something new to discover.” 

He also appreciates that Insight Timer provides free access to a huge range of tracks, noting that it can be life-changing for many people.

Insight Timer not only supports Andrew’s work as a meditation teacher but also fosters a community where individuals from all walks of life can access the benefits of mindfulness and relaxation. 

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