A 25-Minute Shadow Work Meditation to Release Uncomfortable Feelings

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Insight Timer is the top free meditation app on iOS and Android.

Have you ever felt stuck in a cycle of negative emotions, unable to fully let go of discomfort and shadows from the past? Shadow work, a practice of facing and integrating those uncomfortable feelings, can help you break free. This deeply transformative process allows you to acknowledge, understand, and release those parts of yourself that may have been ignored or suppressed.

In this article, you’ll discover how to do shadow work through a guided meditation led by Alex Buta, a respected teacher on Insight Timer. This 25-minute shadow work meditation is designed to help you release painful emotions, reconnect with your inner light, and find peace. 

A 25-minute shadow work meditation to release emotions

This 25-minute shadow work meditation is focused on helping you identify, feel, and release any shadows that are currently affecting you. Through each step, you’ll explore the root of your emotions and move toward forgiveness and self-compassion.

Visit the largest library of free guided meditations here to explore more shadow work practices.

Shadow work guided meditation script

Step 1: Find a comfortable position

Start by finding a comfortable position—whether you’re sitting in a chair, lying down, or even resting in your car. Close your eyes and begin to take slow, deep breaths. Inhale deeply, filling your lungs, and exhale fully, releasing any tension. Repeat this for a few breaths until you feel more relaxed and settled.

Step 2: Visualize golden light filling your body

Now, bring your awareness to the top of your head and imagine a golden fluid light gently pouring down from above. Feel this warm, golden light slowly filling your entire body, starting from your head and moving to your eyes, nose, mouth, neck, and shoulders. As it flows, feel the light expanding into your arms, hands, and fingers.

Let this golden light fill your chest, back, stomach, and lower body. Allow it to travel down into your legs, feet, and toes. Picture yourself bathing in this warm, healing light, completely relaxed.

Step 3: Acknowledge uncomfortable feelings

With your body now filled with golden light, gently bring your awareness to the uncomfortable feeling you’ve been experiencing. It may be anger, sadness, frustration, or judgment. Allow yourself to fully feel this emotion without trying to push it away. Accept its presence, and let it come into full awareness.

Step 4: Identify the root cause

As you sit with this uncomfortable feeling, begin to explore its origins. Go deep into your memory—can you recall when you first experienced this emotion? It might be from childhood, a past relationship, or even a recent event. Visualize the situation where this emotion first emerged.

If you can’t find the exact moment, start with the most recent memory of feeling this way, and work your way backward. The goal is to uncover the root cause of the emotion.

Step 5: Face the memory with forgiveness

Once you’ve identified the root cause, imagine the person or situation that triggered this emotion standing in front of you. Look at it fully and say the words, “Thank you.” Thank this memory for teaching you contrast, for showing you what you do and don’t want in life.

As you breathe deeply, repeat these words: “I forgive you for the situation that caused this discomfort. By forgiving you, I free myself from this pain. I choose peace and expansion now.”

Feel the liberation that comes with forgiveness, allowing the memory to fade away as you let go of the emotional burden.

Step 6: Cultivate self-compassion

Now, bring your attention to your heart space. As you inhale, feel compassion for yourself. Recognize that, at the time, you were doing your best with the information and tools you had. Repeat these words:

  • I forgive myself for not knowing better in the past.”
  • I forgive myself for letting this situation affect me.”
  • I deserve peace, and I commit to no longer letting this emotion control me.”

Breathe deeply, and feel the weight of the past lift from your heart. Allow compassion and love to fill the space where the uncomfortable feeling once lived.

Step 7: Release the pattern

As you continue to breathe, visualize the emotional patterns that arose from this shadow. These patterns may have influenced your behaviors, thoughts, or reactions in life. Acknowledge them, and then gently release them with your breath. As you exhale, let go of these patterns and feel your body become lighter.

Repeat this for several breaths, and with each exhalation, feel more freedom and clarity returning to your mind and body.

Step 8: Ground yourself in golden energy

To close the meditation, bring your awareness back to the golden light that surrounds you. Feel it keeping you safe, protected, and aligned with your higher self. Slowly scan your body again, from your feet to your head, noticing the sense of calm and balance that has returned.

When you’re ready, place your hand on your heart and say to yourself, “I am proud of myself. I have grown from my experiences and continue to expand with love and awareness.”

This meditation was adapted from Alex Buta’s guided shadow work practice. Explore more of his meditations here.

Take a moment to reflect

After completing this meditation, it’s important to reflect on your experience. Journaling can help solidify the insights you’ve gained and help you recognize patterns over time. Take a few moments to explore the following questions:

  • How did the shadow work meditation help you identify the root of your uncomfortable emotions?
  • What emotional patterns did you discover, and how have they affected your life?
  • How do you feel now after releasing the shadows and embracing self-compassion?
  • What steps can you take to integrate this experience into your daily life for continued growth?

Reflecting on these questions can deepen your understanding and allow you to carry the benefits of this practice into your everyday life.

Experience emotional healing with Insight Timer’s free meditation app

Releasing uncomfortable emotions and integrating your shadow is a powerful way to find peace and alignment. With the Insight Timer app, you can access the largest library of free guided meditations to support your growth and healing. Whether you’re looking to explore more shadow work meditations or deepen your practice with meditation music, the Insight Timer app offers countless resources for your journey. You can also expand your meditation practice by joining one of our many groups.

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