Sitting in the power: Guided meditation for spiritual connection

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Insight Timer is the top free meditation app on iOS and Android.

Have you ever wondered how to deepen your spiritual connection and feel more in tune with the universe? In this blog post, you’ll discover a 15-minute guided meditation designed to elevate your energy and enhance your connection with the divine.

Join Amanda Nicole, a renowned meditation guide on Insight Timer, as she leads you through a peaceful journey of spiritual meditation, helping you to feel more connected to the universe and your inner self.

This meditation is particularly beneficial for lightworkers, healers, and anyone looking to tap into their higher vibration and light energy. Ready to start? Let’s dive in.

A 15-minute guided meditation to elevate your energy

A 15-minute guided meditation practice focusing on spiritual connection so you can feel more in tune with the universe and your inner self.

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Sitting in the power guided meditation script

A step-by-step guide through the guided meditation practice.

Step 1: Prepare for relaxation

Gently close your eyes. Begin to breathe deeply and slowly, noticing how your body and mind start to relax. Follow each breath in and each breath out. This simple act of mindful breathing helps to calm your mind and prepare you for deeper spiritual connection.

Step 2: Release your ego

To have a clear exchange with those in Spirit, consciously release your ego. Set aside any and all thoughts apart from seeking a true and humble spiritual connection at this time. Let go of any distractions and allow your mind to become still and receptive.

Step 3: Ground yourself

In your mind, take your attention to the soles of your feet and imagine tiny roots growing there. As they grow, they push through the floor and into the earth below. Feel, see, or sense your roots as they grow deeper and deeper into the cool, dark earth. Experience your roots blending with the natural earth energies, assuring you that you are fully grounded and protected.

Step 4: Connect with your inner light

Take your awareness to the core of your being deep inside yourself and see a tiny light shining there. Each time you breathe in, that lovely little light grows. It won’t shrink back when you breathe out but waits for your next in-breath to grow a bit more. Observe your light as it grows bigger and brighter, eventually filling your entire body.

Step 5: Expand your light

Allow your light to shine beyond the surface of your skin, radiating outwards without any effort. Place no restrictions on how your light shines. This is how the universe sees us all, as a form of bright energy. Our energy is part of the universe, and though we are on a human journey, we remain connected to the universal energy on the spiritual plane.

Step 6: Link with the universe

Focus and consciously link your energy with the universe. Allow divine light and love to envelop you, fill you, and merge with you. As this happens, you will blend together and become one united energy where learning and communications can be more easily exchanged. Relax and give yourself fully to this special time of spiritual communication.

Step 7: Return to your natural state

Start to draw in some long, deep breaths of fresh air. Feel your own energy and light slowly settling back into its natural, healthy state. Visualize your whole body cocooned in a beautiful golden bubble, which gives you strength and protection. In your own time, you can either go to sleep or stretch your arms and legs and open your eyes.

This guided meditation script was adapted from Amanda Nicole’s Sitting in the Power meditation, which you can find here.

Take a moment to reflect

After the meditation, take a few moments to reflect on your experience. Journaling can help solidify your insights and track your progress over time. Here are a few questions to get you started:

  1. How did it feel to connect with your inner light?
  2. What sensations did you notice as your light expanded beyond your body?
  3. Did you experience any messages or insights during your connection with the universe?
  4. How do you feel now compared to before you started the meditation

Taking time to reflect on these questions can deepen your practice and help you stay connected to the spiritual insights gained during the meditation.

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