Tantric Meditation Practice for Men: Merging With the Divine

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Insight Timer is the top free meditation app on iOS and Android.

Tantric practices offer a sacred opportunity to create meaningful, intimate connections, not only with your partner but also with the divine energy that surrounds us. In this blog post, you’ll discover how Katrina Bos, a renowned teacher on Insight Timer, guides men through a powerful 17-minute tantric meditation. This practice is intended to help them feel more present, grounded, and open to their partner through deep breathing, energy flow, and mindfulness.

A 17-minute tantric meditation to experience divine connection

This 17-minute tantric meditation helps you embrace your individuality and merge energetically with your partner. Through mindful breathing, physical connection, and energy exchange, you’ll cultivate a deep sense of union and harmony. 

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Tantric practice for men guided meditation script

This meditation is designed to help you release tension, receive divine energy, and open your heart to a deeper connection with the universe. Follow these step-by-step instructions to fully engage in this transformative practice:

Step 1: Relax and settle into stillness

Begin by lying on your back in a comfortable position. Place a pillow under your head if needed, and take a moment to stretch your toes and fingers. Release any tension that’s in the body by contracting and relaxing the big muscles in your body. This helps you prepare for stillness, allowing your body to fully relax and settle.

Feel the weight of your body sinking into the surface beneath you, and as you breathe, notice your belly rising with the inhale and falling with the exhale. Focus on the breath, and let it be the only movement in your body, allowing the spirit to flow through you with each breath.

Step 2: Engage with your breath and energy

As you lie still, begin to focus on the polarity of your body’s energy. Inhale deeply into your heart center (the receptive, feminine pole) and as you exhale, release the breath out through your phasra (your masculine, outward-giving pole).

This rhythmic breathing helps to balance and harmonize your energy, as you receive love and divine energy with each inhale and give it back to the world with each exhale. Continue this cycle, and as you breathe, allow any blockages or tensions in your heart to soften and release.

Step 3: Open to divine love

Now that your breath is flowing naturally, expand your awareness to the energy you are receiving. Receive the energy of God, of the Great Mother, of the universe with each inhale. Picture this divine love entering your heart center, filling you with infinite love and light. As you exhale, imagine releasing this energy back into the universe through your phasra, giving back with love and gratitude.

As you breathe, remind yourself that you are worthy of receiving this love. Trust in the infinite flow of energy, knowing that you are an essential part of the cosmic web of life.

Step 4: Merge with the divine

As you continue breathing, deepen your connection to the divine. Feel the energy of the universe permeating every cell of your body, and notice how the muscles in your body relax as you become one with this flow of energy. 

This moment is about fully merging with the divine, embracing the oneness of all existence. With each breath, you are nourished by divine energy, and with each exhale, you share that nourishment with the world. This is the essence of tantra: a cycle of love, energy, and connection that flows effortlessly through you.

Step 5: Continue the cycle of love

The longer you stay in this cycle of receiving and giving, the more you will open yourself to the divine energies of love and inspiration. Deepen your breath as you receive this incredible influx of energy, allowing your heart to open even further. As you continue the practice, you may notice a profound sense of gratitude for life, for your breath, and for the opportunity to connect with the universe.

You can remain in this state for as long as it feels wonderful, letting the music play in the background as you rest in this peaceful connection.

This meditation is adapted from Katrina Bos’s Tantric Practice for Men, which you can explore further here.

Reflect on the tantra meditation

After completing this meditation, take some time to reflect on your experience. Journaling can deepen your understanding of what you felt during the practice. Consider these questions:

  • How did it feel to breathe in divine love and exhale it back into the world?
  • What sensations did you notice in your heart center as you received and gave energy?
  • Did any emotions or thoughts arise during the practice, and how did they affect your experience?
  • How has this practice helped you connect with your own sense of self-worth and love?

Reflecting on these questions will help you continue growing in your practice and deepen your connection with yourself and your partner.

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