Vagal Nerve Meditation for Calm and Relaxation

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Insight Timer is the top free meditation app on iOS and Android.

Have you ever wondered how to calm your mind and body during stressful moments? The answer may lie within you—specifically in your vagus nerve. The vagus nerve plays a vital role in regulating your body’s response to stress, and when activated through intentional breathing exercises, it can help promote deep relaxation and balance.

In this blog post, you’ll discover how a simple yet powerful vagal nerve meditation can help you feel more relaxed, centered, and at peace. Whether you’re dealing with stress, anxiety, or just looking for a moment of calm, this guided practice will lead you through steps to soothe your nervous system.

Join David Hayden, one of Insight Timer’s top meditation teachers, as he leads you through vagal nerve stimulation, helping you reconnect with your body, ease tension, and achieve a sense of calm.

Inspiration behind vagal nerve meditation

David’s journey into meditation began during his training as a psychotherapist, where he was both inspired by the growth it offered and challenged by the complexity of integrating trauma sensitivity into the practice. 

His decision to focus on the vagus nerve in this meditation stems from his deep understanding of polyvagal theory and its impact on the body. “This meditation was inspired by polyvagal theory, and the concepts outlined within that theory,” David shares.

“When individuals are able to move into the state outlined as ‘safe and social,’ they gain so many beautiful benefits in their interpersonal lives, as well as their internal lives.”

A 9-minute vagal nerve meditation to soothe your mind and body

This nine-minute guided meditation practice focuses on activating your vagus nerve, allowing you to relax, release tension, and bring awareness to the present moment. 

The vagus nerve, the longest cranial nerve in your body, is responsible for regulating your parasympathetic nervous system, which helps your body rest and digest. By engaging the vagus nerve through deep breathing exercises and vocal sounds, you can promote a state of calm and reduce stress.

For more soothing meditations that promote relaxation, explore Insight Timer’s largest library of free guided meditations.

Vagal nerve meditation script

Step 1: Begin by noticing your breath

To start, bring your awareness to the natural rhythm of your breath. Notice how the air enters your body and how it leaves. Pay attention to the qualities of your breath—whether it’s fast or slow, warm or cool. Feel where the breath moves in your body. This simple act of observing the breath helps center your mind and bring awareness to your physical sensations.

David highlights that breath awareness is not just about calming the mind but also about reconnecting with your body. He says,

“By helping orient someone to their body experience, we seek to interrupt disassociation, encouraging embodiment.”

Step 2: Tune in to your body’s sensations

As you breathe, start to notice how your body feels. Are there any areas of tension or tightness? Are there places that feel open and relaxed? Don’t judge or try to change anything—simply observe. This awareness helps you connect with your body and notice how you’re holding tension.

Step 3: Activate the vagus nerve with a deep breath

Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, make the VU sound—a long, vibrating sound that stimulates your vagus nerve. As you make this sound, feel the vibrations in your chest and throughout your body. Let the sound resonate deeply, continuing until your breath is fully exhausted. Once the breath is gone, pause and wait for your body to naturally ask for the next inhale.

David emphasizes the importance of vagus nerve activation, explaining that “this nerve is critical in our relaxation response and is one of the largest and most complex nerves within our bodies.” By stimulating the vagus nerve, we tap into the body’s ability to relax and reset.

Step 4: Repeat the VU sound

After the next inhale, repeat the VU sound on the exhale, fully engaging your vagus nerve. Allow the vibration to spread through your chest and other areas of your body, like your shoulders or back. With each exhale, notice the subtle changes in how your body feels. Continue this process for several breaths, allowing yourself to exhaust each breath before inhaling again.

David explains:

“The ‘Vu’ outlined in this meditation is inspired by somatic practices… It’s a cue to help the vagus vibrate and can strengthen it.”

This vocalization not only calms your nervous system but can also improve your ability to enter a relaxed, peaceful state over time.

Step 5: Return to your breath

Once you’ve completed a few rounds of the vagus nerve exercise, let your breath return to its natural rhythm. Inhale and exhale naturally, and again, bring your awareness to your body. Notice if anything feels different—perhaps your shoulders are more relaxed, or your chest feels more open. Don’t try to evaluate or judge what you’re feeling. Just observe.

Step 6: Continue with the VU sound for four rounds

Now, repeat the VU sound for four more rounds. Each time, let the breath fully exhaust before pausing and waiting for the next inhale. During this exercise, you may notice thoughts or feelings arise—that’s okay. Gently bring your attention back to the breath and the sound. There’s no need to judge or control your thoughts. Allow them to pass as you focus on the practice.

Step 7: Rest your awareness at your feet

After completing the fourth round of vagus nerve stimulation, bring your awareness to your feet. Whether they’re resting on the ground or crossed beneath you, notice how they feel. Tune into the sensations of your toes, the pressure of your feet against the floor, and the support they provide. Allow your mind to fully rest in this awareness, feeling grounded and connected to the earth beneath you.

Step 8: Gently conclude the meditation

When you feel ready, slowly bring your attention back to the room around you. Open your eyes when it feels natural, not rushing or forcing the process. Take your time to transition back into the present, carrying the sense of calm and relaxation with you.

This guided meditation was adapted from David Hayden’s vagal nerve meditation, which you can find on Insight Timer.

Tips for beginners from David Hayden

Meditation can feel challenging, especially for those new to the practice. David acknowledges these difficulties and encourages beginners to be gentle with themselves. He shares: 

“Compassion is a physical state as much as it’s a mental state, and we need experiences that model compassion. My hope is that individuals can practice this meditation just like going to the gym. Some days, we can spend an hour and have an amazing workout. Other days, we need something small that is in alignment with our body’s needs.”

David recommends beginners start with small, consistent steps. Just like any skill, meditation gets easier with practice. Approaching it with compassion toward yourself is key to overcoming the initial challenges of racing thoughts or discomfort.

Take a moment to reflect

After completing the meditation, give yourself some time to reflect on your experience. Journaling can help you process your thoughts and deepen your understanding of the meditation. Here are a few questions to guide your reflection:

  1. How did your body feel before and after the meditation?
  2. What sensations did you notice during the vagus nerve stimulation?
  3. Were there any particular thoughts or emotions that came up during the practice?
  4. How can you incorporate this relaxation technique into your daily routine?

Looking for more vagal nerve meditation sessions? Check out our curated playlist below.

Why David Hayden loves meditating with Insight Timer

David’s journey on Insight Timer has been an important part of his growth as a teacher. He shares, “I have seen countless stories of success related to this practice, both within the community on this app, as well as in my private practice.” Insight Timer’s community provides a space for individuals to explore meditative practices and share their experiences, and David finds it incredibly rewarding to witness the impact his meditations have on listeners.

Insight Timer allows David to reach a global audience and foster meaningful connections through meditation. Whether it’s through a quick daily session or a more in-depth practice, the platform offers a variety of tools to support individuals in their journey toward mental clarity and emotional well-being.

Experience relaxation and awareness with Insight Timer

Explore more vagal nerve and breathwork sessions with over 200,000 guided meditations on Insight Timer. You’ll also find meditation music to support a more calming experience—perfect for daily background noise or to help you fall asleep at night. Download the Insight Timer app today for unlimited access to guided tracks, music, groups, and more.

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